Friday, January 18, 2008

DaTetris v0.45

This is the first DaTetris update so far >_<
Yeah... It has simple half-working menu, and sort of playable as well, though I still have not implemented the feature of next block preview, but I guess its not that critical right now. The biggest problem was the main menu screen and coloring the tetriminos - my ass is still aches in pain after these 3-4 hours of trying, trying and trying different color palettes... After all I came up with the colors you see at the screen (click to enlarge), and it was sort of the best choice out of all others - at least it does not hurts my eyes(its not so bright and contrast) and also I dont have to struggle to see the action(and not very dark as well). Yep, no scores - and the game doesnt throw you out when you reach the top - but you cant move the tetriminos up there. You have to restart the game to begin from scratch. While testing I did not run into any bugs - but it does not mean that there arent any 8) I really hope it will start well without squeaking on any other pc - so download it, check it out, play it and even test - if ya want to 8) Heres the link to the archive.

Feel free to comment! >.<


Brad said...

Hey good job! You're making good progress!

Irwin1138 said...

^.^ I have a lot of time this weekend, so expect another update soon ;)

Blogfan said...

Отличная работа!!! Я и сам очень люблю игрушки писать, и меня уже давно посетила мысль создать об этом блог, но вот этот блог заставил задуматься, может вести еще один на английском?!

А вообще ты молодец, что ведешь свой блог, но я непойму, ты из Израиля??(информация из профиля Blogger)

И почему бы тебе не вести еще один блог, на русском языке? я уверен, что он заинтерисует разработчиков, проживающих в СНГ

P.S.Irwin1138 ты писал, что мы можем с тобой пообщаться по ICQ, но ты не заходишь, в связи со старой версией клиента QIP, может все-таки обновишься? и пообщаемся???