Sunday, February 25, 2007


This is my first actual game, and its working in console. I was working on it while going through the C++ VTM by 3dBuzz. Actually this game is not coded as it was in the VTM. I didnt jsut copy-paste it, Ive looked the video, the features, the way, and implemented it by myself. This way I could actually remember something, cause Ive started to learn C++ seriously only then. The game is very simple, it generates a small level and inserts 5 evil monkeys which follows the player. A player's character have 3 lives. Evil monkeys have 1 life. Player moves with w, s, a, d buttons and shoots a fireballs with spacebar. When the monkeys get close to character, they removes a life from him, and his location resets to the top-left corner. Exit with q or escape. This is not the final version, this is the final beta 8) There IS what to improve, but Im too lazy for that. The game is working quite good, and if you find some bugs you can tell me about them, if you want. Here is the binary, and here are the sources. I have no idea why I have released the sources, but, anyways 8)
Links updated.

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